[Product of a Primal Urge]: 826.Drowning for Drabbles

Rating: 0.35  
2011-09-19 16:03:21
Contest Entry
Free for reading
The green arrow blinked brightly at me and I stepped on the gas, apparently slower than some would like as the huge SUV behind me nearly hit my bumper. Pulling out into the heavy afternoon traffic, I pushed hateful thoughts of other drivers aside and glanced in my rearview at the things in my backseat. I could clearly the fish-tank, filled with the only living things that currently wanted my presence. I knew my badge was gone, stuffed in the Captain’s desk and unused now. I knew she was still home, not following after me. I wouldn’t see her again.

2011-09-20 Eleanor: Good beginning. There's a story there. It seems like you're missing a word: "I could *see* the fish-tank..." and "back seat" is two words. :-)

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